Sunday, May 1, 2016

Comments on Cleburne Times Review Article - John Tennison: Co-chair of Yes Matters PAC brings a ‘message of hope’ re: bond scam

 Yep! gonna comment on this one too!

You say 'overwhelming consensus'?  How about overwhelming conflict of interest with all the CISD employees packed into the bond steering committee?  How about the use of that ol' Delphi Technique to manipulate the bond committee members?  Exactly how many people stopped coming due to the overt manipulation by the bond consultants to achieve a pre-ordained result, ie: 'C'mon everybody! Rubber Stamp this $130 Million Dollar Bond!'

The high school is educationally unsound?  Was it educationally unsound when they built it?  Or is it just educationally unsound now after years of 'demolition by neglect' due to a school administration and school board that has found other uses for the maintenance budget over the years?  Has the football program ever been educationally unsound?  or short a dollar?  If education is such a big priority at CISD, and it's possible for a building to be 'educationally unsound', then why was maintenance of the buildings not given a higher priority than the football program?

Crowded halls?  Like, when the bell rings for class to get out, right?  Now, the studies on growth in Cleburne that the administration and school board have that say that growth in Cleburne is stagnant and the high school won't be at capacity for ten years, do we believe those studies and school board members who went around with a clipboard counting heads and classrooms and found that the school was nowhere near capacity, or do we believe you, the guy saying that the halls are crowded.. when the bell rings.. r i g h t. .....

New facilities impact the quality of education?  So it's just a bunch of dimwits we have coming out of ivy league schools with buildings over 200 years old?  Classic high schools across the country that were built in the 50's after the post world war II boom, all those schools inhibit education of students because of old well maintained buildings?  So, you promise, you PROMISE, that if we spend $130 Million Dollars on a new high school that we don't need for space constraints, and a sports plex we don't need for educational purposes, that even though Cleburne currently tests in the bottom ten percent of the state, that if we build this new building, they will magically start testing in the top ten?  Do you guarantee that? PERSONALLY?  Oh.. no?   

Trust?  You want to talk about trust?  Let's see.  Supposedly our high school is CROWDED.  and DANGEROUS.  And yet the first bond scam you guys put out there was for a NEW FOOTBALL STADIUM.    Now, after that scam was voted down, it turns out that the construction company out of Austin that donated $5000 bucks to the Cleburne PAC pushing this thing, and is hoping to get the contract on the 'school', says right on the front of their website, 'OUR SPECIALTY IS BUILDING NEW FOOTBALL STADIUMS'.  

Then we see how the CISD administration did with the concession stand project over at Wheat Middle School.  $277,000 spent, over a $245,000 budget, on a HOT DOG STAND, the size of a small two car garage, that will be used 8 times a year.  You can buy or build a three story house with garage and pool for that kind of money in Cleburne, but no!  You guys built.. A HOT DOG STAND.  

Apparently our OVERSIGHT process failed on that project, which is why we don't TRUST the CISD administration, the bond consultants, or especially the Vote YES crowd, who have fallen to name calling, assaults at public bond meetings on youtube video! stealing vote NO signs and burning them at back yard parties (you should see the game camera video!), trying to alienate property owners that will be affected by the bond even though their main residence is not in Cleburne 'Don't Mess with Cleburne har har!', the administration has been duplicitous with the facts, especially having Heath the Superintendent admit, in front of the Lions Club, as reported by the Cleburne Times Review, that the administration, as of yet, has no architect firm hired, has no contractor hired, has had no feasibility studies done, and yet they can somehow tell us, to the penny, how much all this will actually cost.  

I think, I'm pretty sure, all they have, are two photoshopped pictures, one of a generic high school, and one of the proposed new layout of the school ground, both 'artists renderings', not actual plans, that show a big sports plex in addition to this proposed high school.  

It smells like a bad sales pitch at a time share condo.   

This thing is a scam.   google 'Cleburne School Bond Scam',  search youtube for '*INSIDERS* expose CISD BOND!'  

We need a much much smaller bond, with OVERSIGHT to force them to spend the money on the school, to repair the high school, Cooke ,and Coleman.  We then need to audit the financial records of that hot dog stand at Wheat to find out just why it was so expensive.  Then we need to clean house and hire people with a priority of education instead of school expansion when the current high school won't be at capacity for a decade.  We then need to investigate WHY the schools fell into such disrepair, and find out WHO is responsible, so that THEY can go to JAIL.

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